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Transitions Media Exhibition

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Transitions Media Exhibition

The Graphics and Media Arts students achieved another milestone by pushing the boundaries of new media art in their "Transitions" exhibition. “Transitions” is a Contemporary Media Exhibition, organized by Dr. Omnia Salah and her team of assistants, TA. AbdelAziz Elwassify and TA. Rana Osama. In addition, the exhibition is held under the supervision of Prof Dr. Tarek Saleh, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design, And Prof Dr. Eman Osama the Head of Graphics and Media Arts department.


The "Transitions" new media art exhibition surpassed all expectations, captivating visitors and leaving a lasting impression on their minds. The innovative ideas and cutting-edge technologies showcased in the exhibition left people awestruck and inspired. The interactive installations, virtual reality experiences, Video art, Conceptual Photography, and creative coding projects immersed viewers in a world where art and technology seamlessly merged.


The exhibition provided a unique platform for students to explore the concept of transitions, and visitors were impressed by the thought-provoking narratives and mesmerizing visuals depicted in the artworks. The exhibition's ability to evoke deep emotions and provoke introspection about personal, societal, and environmental transformations resonated with the audience.


The success of "Transitions" lay not only in its visual brilliance but also in its ability to spark conversations and engage viewers in a meaningful dialogue about the ever-evolving nature of our lives and the world we inhabit.