Build Your Future - ROUND 3

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    Published in Events
  • Tuesday, 24 April 2018 12:06
Build Your Future - ROUND 3

On 30th April 2018 {From 9:00 am To 1:00 pm} @ SSB

What is a career advice event? A career advice is a venue in which students and employers can exchange ideas and information about employment opportunities. Some employers actively recruit summer internships at career advice event, while others participate in order to learn what skills and perspectives geography students can offer their organizations, to stay connected with and "give back" to the departments and institutions from which they graduated, and to demonstrate their interest in hiring geography graduates. Participating students can explore a range of career paths, network with prospective employers, and practice essential professional skills.

Why host a career advice event? • To introduce students to careers related to their coursework and to help them identify the key skills needed in order to become a successful professional;
• To provide students with opportunities to develop skills in communication, self‐presentation, and networking, which will prepare them for job interviews and other professional interactions;
• To develop relationships with area employers, which could lead to student internships, class visits, service‐learning projects, and other work‐based learning partnerships. Hurry up & fill the form: